create folder counter
create besucher.txt
upload useronline.php and guest.php and edit them
add this cod to your main php page
PHP Code:
$szamlalo_File = "counter/".date("Ymd").".txt";
if (file_exists($szamlalo_File)) { $szamlalo_fp = fopen($szamlalo_File,"r"); $szamlalo_num = fread($szamlalo_fp, filesize($szamlalo_File)); fclose($szamlalo_fp);
$szamlalo_num=$szamlalo_num+1; $szamlalo_fp = fopen($szamlalo_File,"w"); fwrite($szamlalo_fp, $szamlalo_num, 10); fclose($szamlalo_fp);
$counter_array = file("counter.dat"); $all = $counter_array[0]+1; $fp = @fopen("counter.dat","wb");
echo "Visit number: $all
Visits today $szamlalo_num
Online $anzahl";
PHP Code:
("Content-Type: text/vnd.wap.wml"); header("Cache-control: no-cache, must-revalidate"); echo ' ' ; print "
"; $xfile = @file("besucher.txt"); $xfile = array_reverse($xfile); $p = 150; if ($npage == ""){$npage = "1";} $first = count($xfile) - ($p * ($npage - 1)); $second = count($xfile) - ($p * $npage) + 1; if ($second < 1) {$second = 1;} $npages = (int)(count($xfile) / $p); if ($news_limiter>((int) ($npages*$p))) $npages = $npages+1; if ($npage <= $npages and $npage>1) $gline_rew = ".($npage-1)."\">prev"; if ($npages > 1 and $npage<$npages) $gline_next = ".($npage+1)."\">next"; $line = ""; for ($p = 1; $p <= $npages; $p++) { if ($p != $npage) { $line .= " $p |";} if ($p == $npage) { $line .= "| $p |
"; } } print $line; for ($i = $first-1; $i >= $second-1; $i--) { $ii = $i; $ii++; $udata = explode("&&",$xfile[$i]); print "$udata[1]
"; } print $gline_rew."".$gline_next." --------
?Back? wapkralj
"; ?>
PHP Code:
$daten="besucher.txt"; $time = time();
$brow=("$REMOTE_ADDR"); $user = explode ('/', $HTTP_USER_AGENT); $ip = ("Browser: $user[0] IP: $brow");
$ablaufzeit = "$time"-"300"; //zdes mozhno nastroit wremja kak dolgo ip budet xranitsja w txt fajle $pruefung = @file($daten);
while (list ($line_num, $line) = @each ($pruefung))
{$zeiten = explode("&&",$line);
if($zeiten[0] <= $ablaufzeit)
{$fp = fopen( "$daten", "r" ); $contents = fread($fp, filesize($daten)); fclose($fp); $line=quotemeta($line); $string2 = ""; $replace = ereg_replace($line, $string2, $contents); $fh=fopen($daten, "w");
@flock($fp,2); fputs($fh, $replace);
@flock($fp,3); fclose($fh);}} $ippruefung = @file($daten);
while (list ($line_num, $line) = @each ($ippruefung))
{$ips = explode("&&",$line);
if($ips[1] == $ip)
{$fp = fopen( "$daten", "r" ); $contents = fread($fp, filesize($daten)); fclose($fp); $line=quotemeta($line); $string2 = ""; $replace = ereg_replace($line, $string2, $contents); $fh=fopen($daten, "w");
@flock($fp,2); fputs($fh, $replace);
@flock($fp,3); fclose($fh);}} $fp = fopen("$daten", "a+"); flock($fp,2); fputs ($fp, "$time&&$ip&&\n"); flock($fp,3); fclose ($fp); $anzahldaten = file($daten); $anzahl = count($anzahldaten); //eto pokazivaet koli4estwo 4elowek na sajte, nado sozdat eshe textfile besucher.txt**i ego chmod777, u menja etot script wstawlen tolko w index.php kone4no mozhesh wstawit ego w kazhduju stranicu*/ ?>
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